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Budgie Desktop supports a wide-variety of keyboard combinations / shortcuts (commonly referred to as keybinds) to enable quick actions without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, so be sure to open up Budgie Control Center, go to Keyboard, and choose "View and Customize Shortcuts" at the bottom of the panel!

These keyboards assume a "stock" user experience and may differ if you use an operating system which ships Budgie Desktop with changes to the experience. Be sure to consult their documentation for any specifics as well!

Unless specified otherwise, Super refers to the "Windows" key. If you have multiple "Windows" keys, it will be the left one. You may also see it specified as Win

Common Actions


Clear notifications in RavenSuper+C
Open Budgie MenuSuper
Open Power DialogSuper+Shift+P
Open Raven widgetsSuper+A
Open Raven notificationsSuper+N
Take screenshot of entire screenPrintScreen
Take screenshot of active windowAlt+PrintScreen
Take screenshot of an areaCtrl+PrintScreen

Window Management

Maximize windowSuper+Up Arrow
Move window to any monitor left of currentSuper+Shift+Left Arrow
Move window to any monitor right of currentSuper+Shift+Right Arrow
Snap window to left half of monitorSuper+Left Arrow
Snap window to right half of monitorSuper+Right Arrow